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Our Mission

Our mission at TRIMONT is to be a trusted partner and guide for our clients in achieving their real estate investment and business goals.


We strive to exceed expectations by delivering personalized solutions, fostering enduring relationships, and driving positive impact with every transaction.

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Our Logo

The story behind our logo reflects both our partnership and our connection to Montreal. The "M" is a nod to the first letter of each of the three partners' last names. The "tri" symbolizes the unity of the three partners working together. Lastly, the "mont" refers to Mount Royal, located at the center of Montreal, which has three peaks representing the three partners. This grounds us in the heart of Montreal and symbolizes our deep ties to the region.

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4480 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse, suite 290, Mont-Royal (Montréal), QC, H4N 2R1



Information provided is based on sources considered reliable, without a guarantee of accuracy. No responsibility and/or warranty is assumed by the broker. This website is intended solely for informational purposes, and is made subject to errors, modifications, and omissions. The purchaser/lessee is encouraged to perform proper due diligence prior to an acquisition or lease agreement. This is not an offer or promise to sell/lease that could bind the vendor/lessor to the purchaser/lessee, but rather an invitation to submit such offers or promises. Any sale is made without legal warranty.


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